Well what
a year 2020 was! For us here in Brize Norton,
December was a tale of two halves. The highlight
for the children of the Primary School and
Pre-school was a visit from Father Christmas who
helicoptered in from the North Pole and landed
on the Recreation ground. Luckily, the weather
was kind to us with a beautiful sunny day, so
much so, that Father Christmas needed his
sunglasses! The last week of the month ended on a not so
happy note with the south end of the village in
particular suffering with flooding that lasted
through until January. I would like to thank
Cllr Keith Glazier for all his hard work keeping
in touch with the families affected and liaising
with WODC, OCC, Thames Water and the
Environmental Agency. Please see the article
later on as to how to report any flooding.
Since the last Newsletter, Gigaclear has
completed laying its fibre optic cables down
Station Road and into the Cul-de-Sacs and
Closes, finishing nearly a week ahead of
schedule. They have also reinstated the grass
verges and sown grass seed. However, it was not
without a few challenges along the way! The
first night of the road closure saw an
articulated lorry having to complete a
multi-turn into Chestnut Close having ignored
the road closure sign from the Bampton end of
the village. The most astounding sight, and the
most dangerous, was cars caught driving down the
pavement. I would like to see the insurance
claim of one driver who scraped the side of
their car on the lamp-post outside my house!
Last quarter I reported that The Parish
Council had applied to Historic England to make
the War Memorial a ‘Grade 2 listed structure’.
The paperwork is about to be submitted to the
Secretary of State and we hope that our
application will be successful.
Photo by Poly Innes
With Spring just around the corner (I have
seen the first snowdrops and crocus in my own
garden), I look forward to seeing the daffodils
come through in the recreation ground that were
planted back in the Autumn.
Photo by Alison Risely |
I hope that by the time of my next report, we
will be coming out of this Lockdown with new
hope and invigoration. Hopefully, we will be
able to think about being able to re-unite with
our loved ones and planning ahead, be it a
wedding, a holiday or cele-brating with a
belated party. Perhaps we will even be able to
have our Village Bash this year? Whatever the
next three months brings, continue to remain
mindful of those around you and stay safe.
Wendy Way

It is extremely disappointing to
report that dog fouling has increased since our December
Newsletter, particularly on Station Road and Burford
It is bad enough when owners do not pick up after
their dogs when they have defecated on the grassed
areas. However, we now have the deplorable situation
where some dog owners walking through our village are
allowing their dogs to defecate on the footways and not
bothering to clean the mess up, leaving it for children
and adults to step in!
The attached image shows the mess left by one dog
owner between midday and 4pm on Sunday 14th February.
I can only repeat the statement made by our WODC
Cabinet Member for the Environment who stated that this
is "disgusting
and irresponsible behaviour of some dog owners".
Information on the WODC web site also states:
- Dog faeces carry many
germs that can cause illness and in extreme
cases could result in blindness.
It is both offensive to smell and to look at,
and is extremely unpleasant to step in
To assist the Environmental Team in locating
the "hot spots" in our village and
potentially legal action against offenders,
could I please request that our Community report
where dog fouling has occurred by using the
following link.
On this site, you will find a simple form to
complete which does not require an image to be
uploaded. Alternatively, please contact WODC
customer services on 01993 861000 who will pass
your information onto the ERS team for
If you see dog mess that is offensive to you,
please do not assume that someone else will
report it, report it yourself!
By the time you have
received this Newsletter, the Parish
Council will have put up a further 40
‘CLEAN IT UP’ signs throughout the
To end on a positive note, I
would like to thank the vast majority of
responsible dog owners who are clearing up after
their dogs (some of whom are clearing up other
dog mess! making the pavements, grassed areas,
and field footpaths a more enjoyable and safer
place to walk.
I would ask that all dog owners act
responsibly and respect our Community and
Thank you.
Les Goble
Now more of us are taking our
daily exercise closer to home, we are noticing
more of the environment around us. The good
things being the nature, the wildlife, the flora
and fauna. The bad things being the additional
litter and, unfortunately as we report in each newslet-ter, dog fouling. We all need to take
responsibility in order to keep our village neat
and tidy by ensuring that we pick up any litter
that we drop, and dog owners pick up after their
own dogs. There are plenty of bins around the
village; the normal rubbish bins can also be
used for dog bags as well.
West Oxfordshire District Council is saying
that they are getting lots of reports of
over-flowing bins and ask that if you see one
then to please take your rubbish and dog waste
home with you and report it to them using the
form that can be found by typing in the link
below into your browser. You can also report any
dog mess you see on the pavement and grass
verges using the same form.
Potholes, broken street lighting, faulty
traffic lights and loose paving and weeds on
the pavements are the responsibility of
Oxfordshire County Coun-cil and can be
reported directly and quickly via the Fix My
Street website.
If you notice a public drain is blocked
by leaves, please report it to Oxfordshire
County Council.
West Oxfordshire District Council is
responsible for cleaning roads, pave-ments
and council-owned
land. They are not responsible for street
cleaning on private or unadopted roads, town
or parish council land or road verges
outside the 30mph zone.
Thames Water is urging its customers to
help reduce the risk of sewer blockages
during the COVID-19
The company is reminding people not to flush
wet wipes or kitchen roll down their toilets if
using them instead of toilet paper or simply
want to get rid of used cleaning products from
their homes. Instead, they should be thrown in
the bin.
Many shoppers have been bulk buying toilet
roll a result of the pandemic, meaning others
are struggling to get hold of what they need.
Wipes, along with other "unflushables like nappies and sanitary
products, don't
break down in pipes like toilet paper and can
combine with fats, oils and grease to create
fatbergs: huge, solid masses which are difficult
to clear and can cause raw sewage to build up
and flood homes, businesses and the environment.
With the company, like all businesses, facing
the potential for an increase in staff absence
in the coming weeks, Thames Water has asked
customers to help lighten the workload by being
careful what they flush.
Matt Rimmer, Thames Water's
head of waste networks, said: We're
carefully plan-ning how we can continue to
provide an essential public service and while we
en-courage everyone to practice good hygiene to
protect against COVID-19,
wet wipes and kitchen roll can be hugely
damaging to our sewers and our customers can
really help us by not flushing them down the
This will reduce the
number of blockages and the risk of flooding to
homes, businesses and the environment during
what is likely to be a difficult time for many
Fatbergs grow slowly
so it's
hard to say if coronavirus has had an impact on
our sewers at this stage but, as always, we'd
urge everyone to only flush the 3Ps – pee, poo
and paper – to help avoid problems in the
future. "
On average, Thames Water spends £18 million
every year clearing 75,000 blockages from its
sewers, unclogging five house blockages and
removing 30 tonnes of materi-al from just one of
its sewage treatment works every day.
A water company in Australia also recently
urged its customers not to flush wet wipes after
a 14-tonne
fatberg was removed from a sewage works in
Morpeth, New South Wales.
For more information on how to help
protect the sewer network visit

I have just looked back at the last parish newsletter
article I wrote, and I was so happy to have all the
children back in. How long ago that seems now!
The Autumn term was great. All the children were
back, we quickly got used to the new "bubble" system and how to keep each other
safe, and it was lovely to see the children in school,
happily learning with their friends. We found that most
children were behind where they should be in their
learning, but after a Herculean effort from staff and
children they were almost all back on track by the time
they finished for Christmas. We also had some fun times,
especially in the run-up
to Christmas itself. Father Christmas could not join us
all in the hall as usual so he landed on the field in a
helicopter before distributing presents outside!
The other massive achievement of the Autumn term was
the opening of our new classroom. You will have seen it
from the Rec; it is the largest classroom in the school
and already looks as though it has been there for years.
We now have a new, comfortable place for one class to
learn in, and a little more breathing-space
in the rest of the school too. It guarantees that we can
have the same class arrangement each year, with 20
children in each year group and no more than 30 in each
class; it also secures the school's
financial future, as the extra places mean extra money
to counteract the years of cuts we have suffered. Thank
you hugely to everyone involved in the project,
especially our governor Alex Skym, the Parish Council,
the School Association and Oxford Diocesan Schools
However, here we are, partially locked down again. As
I write, we have about 35% of children in each day,
significantly more than the national average; there are
large numbers of critical workers in our catchment area.
This presents its own challenges, ensuring that those in
school and at home have equal quality education. It has
been great for the staff IT skills: we have all become
really good at teaching via video link! I have been
really impressed at the efforts the children, parents
and staff are going to. It is hard for us as it is for
so many people, but I am confident that the learning
loss will be less than last time. I am also confident
that as we helped the children catch up before, so we
can do it again. We are simply waiting until the country
is safe enough that we can all be back together again,
and I am sure it will be soon.
Anna Fairhurst (Headteacher)
BNSA had a wonderful
fundraising term September to Decem-ber.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us,
donated, and championed our cause. The
Krispy Kreme Doughnut sale, Hal-loween fancy
dress and pumpkin carving, and Smarties
challenge were all incredibly popular and
lots of fun.

As well as contributing towards the new classroom, we
have been able to give the children Halloween treat
bags, Diwali gifts, new books, a pizza party (for
winning the smartie challenge), whole school Advent
Calendar, a virtual pantomime, and not without giving a
mention to Santa gifts!
Thank you to Rachel Williams and Dave Golding for
arranging for Santa to visit via helicopter curtesy of
Excel Helicopters. It was great for the children at
Brize Norton Primary School, the preschool, and the big
kids of the village having coffee at the humble bumble!
2020 and the winter term finished with a bang for sure.
This year has been off to a slow start due to going
into the National Lockdown howev-er that is not stopping
us. The BNSA committee is starting to think about the
Brize Bash for this summer so keep an eye out for news
coming as to when this will be along with the theme. If
you would like to help arrange the bash no matter how
small, please get in touch – the more the merrier!
In the meantime, there are some simple ways to
continue supporting BNSA by signing up to Amazon Smile,
Easy fundraising and joining our school lottery.
Carole Stevens, BNSA Chair
Gigaclear has now installed fibre optic cables to
every property in our village (FTTP) and hope to get the
main access cabinet which supplies the southern and
central are-as, live by mid to end of March, with some
properties live and ready to order Fibre Op-tic
Broadband shortly afterwards. When a more accurate
live' date can be con-firmed, they will
arrange an 'Online Community Event' around that time where Domi-nic
Hones (our Community Engagement Manager), their Project
Manager and Sales Team can talk through the Gigaclear
services and answer any questions residents may have.

As you are all aware, the heavy rainfall experienced
in the Parish recently, resulted in flooding in some
areas. It is particularly important that the West
Oxfordshire District Council (WODC), Principal Flood
Engineer, Laurence King, is made aware of instances
where properties are flooded. If residents experience
flooding to their property, please contact Laurence
directly via this email address
Residents need to report these instances to validate
the flooding and provide vital de-tails for analysis.
Please include details such as:
1. Your Address.
2. Date and time of flooding.
3. Duration and depth of flooding.
4. Source of flooding (if known).
5. Whether you have flood insurance.
Your personal information is not put into the public
domain without prior consent.
Whilst writing this, Bloor Homes has
begun work on constructing the new
foot/cycle path between Burford Road and the
North West corner of Brize Meadow and the
work is well underway with the groundworks
for the first phase of the new Country Park
I am pleased to report that the two
Toucan Crossings on Monahan Way are now in
operation which will make the crossing of
this road
The Parish Council has been advised of an upcoming
road closure on Minster Road which will commence on 8th
April 2021 with an anticipated
completion date on 13th April 2021. The road will be closed for a
maximum of five days between 05:00hrs to 20:00hrs.
In 2021 we are looking forward to being able to
welcome family and friends of those wishing to hold
special events such as marriages and baptisms at the
church. We will have to be mindful of any regulations in
place at the time regarding numbers attending but if you
want to plan your special ceremony at St Britius please
contact Rev Ian Howard (07867784693 or e-mail
ian.barry.howard@gmail.com) re: marriages or the Lay
Minister Lyndsay Baker (e-mail
lyndsey.baker@btinternet.com) for baptisms.
At this time of the year, we say thank you to
everyone who has renewed their member-ship of the
Friends and supported us over the last year. If you are
not already a member please consider joining – we ask
for a minimum donation of £10 and you will receive a
newsletter to keep you up to date with our future
projects. For more details Please con-tact Phil – 843856.
In previous years St John's
Messy Church Team have held an Easter Workshop of
activities but as this cannot be run as an indoor event
this year we are helping them to send activities out to
families in bags on Easter Saturday. If you would like
your family to be included in this initiative please
contact Carolyn 07786 405341.
Like you, we would all like to get out of Lockdown
and get back to Church as soon as possible! However, we
all agree that it needs to be done safely The following plan for Eastertide has
been drawn up by the Ministry Team and wardens of both
Churches - God willing and COVID permitting!
We would welcome you to join us for the following events
and special services at St Britius: Our Celebration of
Easter starts on
Palm Sunday 28th
with the 9.15am family
friendly, all-age
service and then continues as follows:
Good Friday 2nd
Tenebrae service of reflection
and prayer at 4pm
Easter Day 4th
Holy Communion at 9.15 am.
To make everything as safe as possible when attending
these services we are asking peo-ple to book places. To
reserve a place to attend the services please contact
Carolyn by e-mail
(cpeach.uk@btinternet.com) or phone/text 07786 405341.
We continue to make sure that everything is as safe as
possible and we ask that for your safety and for that of
others you note the following arrangements we have put
in place:
- please wear a face covering please use the automatic hand sanitiser
in the porch on your way in
please follow the guidance on
the pews where you may sit. They have been marked to
maintain a 2 metre distance from those not in your
We are following guidance issued by the Church of
England and Holy Communion is available in bread only
(you are welcome to bring your own piece of bread if you
prefer) and we are also not able to sing hymns or
Sunday services will be live
streamed from St John's
at 10.30am each Sunday, including material
recorded at St Britius. This streaming will be
via both Zoom and Facebook watch party. The link
to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the
Facebook pages of St John's
Carterton and Friends of St Britius as well as
on the St John's
If you have not got access to the internet,
but would like to listen to the service via a
telephone line, please contact Rev. Ian Howard
or Rev. Drew Tweedy, who will let you know how
you can do that. Alternatively, a national FREE
24 hour phoneline 'Daily
Hope' offers music, prayers and
reflections 0800 804 8044.
Information regarding services will be posted
on the church noticeboard or can be found at
If you have any queries or need help and
support then please do contact a member of the
Rector: Rev. Drew Tweedy 07393 182093
Team Vicar: Rev. Ian Howard 07867 784693
Churchwarden: Dr Phil Holmes 01993 843856
Do you follow us on Social Media? Keep up-to-date
through photos, history, information, questions and
events. Join us:
We had our first snow fall at
the end of January and here are a few photos
captured by residents.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo.
Unfortunately there was not room to include them
Click on the image to enlarge
Photo by Garry Griffin
I know how challenging 2020 was for all
of us and that, in some ways, 2021 feels all
too familiar. However, though we may be in
lockdown now, there is light at the end of
the tunnel. With three vaccines now approved
for use in the UK, including our own lo-cal
Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, we are now well on
the way to vac-cinating our top four
priority groups in record time. At the time
of writing, over 10 million people have been
vaccinated and this grows every day. This is
a hugely significant achievement which is
testament to the inspirational leadership
that has been shown by local NHS
organisations', GPs and health coordinators.
This, along with longer days, lighter
evenings and the beginning of a beautiful
West Oxfordshire spring is sure to lift
spirits in this challenging time.
I have seen the excellent work of
everyone at our local vaccination hubs for
myself. The professionalism and efficiency
they are showing is proving everyone's
dedication to this vital cause. I am also
encouraged that so many people across West
Oxon are taking up the vaccine when offered.
It is this dedication and resolve which
speaks to me in these challenging times and
shows me that we will overcome this.
We are also once again seeing the huge
outpouring of community spirit and good will
that warmed us all in 2020. I would encourage
everyone to check in on family, friends and
neighbours, particularly those who may live
alone, the vulnerable and those separated from
their loved ones. Sometimes even just a phone
call can do the world of good.
My team and I continue to work hard from home
on your behalf and we remain accessible
throughout lockdown. Please do not hesitate to
get in touch at robert@robertcourts.co.uk if
there is anything at all we can do.
Conservative District
Councillor for Brize Norton and Shilton Ward —
Cllr Alex Postan—
P: 07885 135000 E: alexander@postan.plus.com
Conservative County Councillor for Burford
and Carterton North East Division — Cllr
Nicholas Field –Johnson
P: (01993) 878309
E: nick.fieldjohnson@oxfordshire.gov.uk
The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has announced the
roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions in
England. The roadmap, which has now been published on
gov.uk, outlines four steps for easing restrictions.
Before proceeding to the next step, the Government will
examine the data to assess the impact of previous steps.
This assessment will be based on four tests:
• The vaccine deployment programme continues
• Evidence shows vaccines are
sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and
deaths in those vaccinated.
• Infection rates do not risk a
surge in hospitalisations which would put unsus-tainable
pressure on the NHS.
• Their assessment of the risks
is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern.

My first year living in Brize Norton has
been a fantastic whirlwind, of not only
setting up a new home on Brize Mead-ow but
relishing being part of a wonderfully
welcoming com-munity. It is incredible how
much I've
learned about commu-nity spirit in such a
short amount of time, like how people
re-ally want to help, not only during a
National Pandemic but help in general and be
there for one another.
Although we have lived in the local area
since 2003, I have learned a lot about Brize
history this past year, its previous
residents such as the amazing Mary Ellis and
the Men and Boys named on the War Memorial,
who will never be forgotten. While I am in
awe hearing about the Village and its
history, I can't
help but look to the future and where we are
going as a community. Firstly, a 'connected' one, with the re-alisation
of accessibility between Brize Village and
Brize Meadow
>bringing unity to the
of the newly expanded Brize Norton Village. Secondly, the exciting
plans and future ideas for our community
buildings, all designed with the community
needs at the forefront.
Let us hope we can all celebrate together
later this year at the Village Bash and that we
are all talking about that, instead of the other
overriding topic of conversation this past year!
Cllr Claire Stewart
Our village preschool remained open to all throughout
lockdown helping to maintain a little sense of normality
for our children. The children adapted so well to the
changes put in place to keep them safe. A huge
youto all the staff for their hard work,
dedication and positive attitude throughout what has
been a difficult and challenging few months.
As spring arrives preschool is busier than ever. The
current academic year has been full since late September
2020 and we are now already full for the new intake in
Sep-tember 2021. We are very much hoping that our "open
afternoons" will go ahead in June this year as
COVID restrictions begin to relax.
Why not come along on either the 11th or 18th June
1pm to 2.30pm
and register early for September 2022 We already have
children on the waiting list. If you would like to join
us please email us at brizenortonpreschool@hotmail.co.uk
or use the "contact us" page on our website. There is lots
of information and a waiting list application on our
website at www.brizenortonpreschool.co.uk
Preschool operates term>time
only Monday to Thursday
9am to 3pm
and Friday 9am to 12pm
from the Elder Bank Hall.
Since the last Newsletter our glorious community has
had the challenges of COVID Christmas followed by
Lockdown... none of us can have found this easy. At
Brize Nor-ton's
community cafe we have tried to offer what the
Neighbourhood Plan requested...
We have started collaboration with three local firms,
to create a Community Space:
WasteO https://wast0.co.uk/ from Witney sells zero<-waste
produce and goods-your local store!
Pobi Bakery https://www.pobibakery.com/ offers local
artisan breads (currently for pre-order
for Saturday collection)
https://m.facebook.com/FlowersYoudLove/ also offers
beautiful, hand made bouquets for special occasions.
Post Office continues to open Tuesday & Thursday for
all your needs.
Alongside these exciting village convenience store
offerings, our own Humble Bumble Cafe continues to
provide a haven of Take Away offerings for all those
and home-workers.
We are Humbled and Grateful for the continued support
our local community have offered in developing our old
Pavilion into a Community Hub.
The excitement ahead will be in seeing the
CrowdFunded Marquee being erected (post lockdown) for
outside seating and cover, perfectly complementing the
joy of spring & summer, where we can all enjoy our
glorious recreation ground, moving beyond the trials and
tribulations of COVID.
Your villages Humble Bumble Cafe opens Tuesday - Sunday
1000 - 1500hrs.
The Post Office opens Tuesdays & Thursdays 1000 - 1230hrs

Your Community WasteO Store opens Thursday & Saturday
For once the Spring
weather was favourable, apart from a long
dry spell, which along with the "free" time
offered by the pandemic meant most plots
were well cultivated and produced above
average crops, which would have enhanced the
Horticultural show had the virus not
curtailed it.
Selecting the "Best Kept Allotment" proved more
difficult than normal but we decided
1st Charles Morgan

2nd Gordon Grant
3rd Simon Morris but
done to all.
However some plots are not being looked after and we
intend to be more strict with these tenants in the
Thanks to Paul for fixing the leaky ball-valve
and to those who cut the paths and surrounding areas,
apart from which we have had no other problems other
than some vandalism and the odd cow or two.
Fred Bellenger
Parish Council meetings are held on the first Monday
of each month. Meetings are usually held in the Brize
Norton Sports and Social Club, opposite the Elder Bank
Hall. However, during COVID-19
they are being held on an online platform.
The next meetings are:
Monday 1st March 2021 at 7:30pm
Tuesday 6th April 2021 at
Monday 10th May 2021 at 7:30pm — Annual Parish
Council Meeting
Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7:30pm — Annual Parish
COVID permitting.
If you wish to bring an item to the Council's
attention at a meeting, please contact the Clerk at
least one week prior to the meeting in order for the
Council to discuss the matter brought before them.
Members of the public are welcome to attend Council
meetings and should contact the Clerk before the meeting
to state your interest and receive an invitation to
We have decided to remain
closed until it is safe to mix as a group.
Best wishes to all our members
We are currently unable to
organise the walks but hope to start again when
it is safe to do so. For more information ring
Joy on 01993 842373.
Due to the continued pandemic we shall not consider
returning to dancing until it is safe to do so. If you
require more information please ring Joy on 842373.
With the current climate
sessions are FREE online Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat
Week days 18:30 to 19:00
Sat 09:00 to 09:30
Lunchtime sessions 12:00 to 12:30
every 3rd week
Contact Tom
Wattleworth on
07892945060 or
on Facebook
Friday 5th
March 2020 is the World
Day of Prayer and the service has been put
together by the Christian women of Vanuatu, a
South Pacific island. St John'>s
Carterton are "hosting" the service this year
which will be pre-recorded
and available on St John's
website and Facebook page from 7pm. Check the
website www.stjohnschurchcarterton.org.uk for
further information. |

For enquiries please contact The
Parish Clerk |
Wendy Way
Email: w.way@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 01993 841016
Responsibilities: Neighbourhood Plan, Website
Glazier -
Vice Chairman
Email: k.glazier@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Responsibilities: Allotments, Village Maintenance (incl
grass cutting), Personnel, Water Management & Flood
Prevention, Bampton & District Flood Prevention Group
Squire -
Email: p.squire@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 01993 867666
Responsibilities: Bloor Homes, Finance & Banking,
Legal & Policies, Planning |
Campion -
Email: b.campion@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 07795 192812
Responsibilities: Bloor Homes and Finance & Banking
Les Goble
Email: l.goble@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 01993 841016
Responsibilities: Bloor Homes, Highways (incl Traffic
& footpaths), Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Personnel
Woodward -
Email: c.woodward@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 07585 703295
Responsibilities: Elder Bank Hall, Property
Maintenance, Pavilion and Sports & Social Club
Stewart -
Email: c.stewart@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 07816 845999
Responsibilities: Emergency Response Plan, Brize
Meadow Representative, Communications – website & social
media |
Riseley -
Email: clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 01993 846648
Responsibilities: Newsletter, Personnel, Finance &
Banking, Website |
Monday 1st March
7:30pm Parish Council
Friday 5th March
7:00pm World Day of Prayer
Sunday 28th March
9:15am Palm Sunday Service
Friday 2nd April
4pm Good Friday Service
Sunday 4th April
9:15am Easter Sunday
Monday 5th April
7:00pm Allotment holders
meeting (TBC)
Tuesday 6th April
7:30pm Parish Council
Monday 10th May
7:30pm Annual Parish
Council meeting
Tuesday 18th May
7:30pm Annual Parish
Meeting (COVID Permitting)

The Parish Council publish this newsletter, which is
distributed around Brize Norton village at the beginning of
March, June, September and December.
If you wish to submit an entry the
deadlines are the
15th May 2021
15th August 2021 and
15th November 2021.
Organisation |
Contact | Telephone No. |
Website/Email |
Brize Norton Parish
Council | Alison
Riseley | 846648 |
clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk |
St Britius Church |
Rev Ian Howard (Team Vicar) |
0786778469393 |
ian.barry.howard@gmail.com |
Brize Norton Primary School |
Mrs Anna Fairhurst |
842488 |
www.brizeprimary.org |
School Governors |
Alistair Doran |
077883214663 |
adoran@brize-norton.sch.co.uk |
Carole Stevens |
07702422735 |
fundraising@outlook.com |
Football Club | Simon Cook |
841096/07825 002298 |
BN S&SC/Cricket Club | Tim
Gush | 846730 | |
Elder Bank Hall | Diane
Davies | 843430 | |
Over 60's | Joy Douglas |
842373 |
Open Gardens | Jean
Butcher |
841347 |
prbutcher@sky.com |
Post 0ffice Sports Pavilion |
Tues & Thurs 9:30-12:30 pm | |
Police (Witney) 10 am
to 6 PM Monday to Friday (closed weekends)
NHS Helpline (24/7 urgent medical conditions)
The following table lists only the
regular events. There will be other bookings and readers
should not assume that the hall is available without reference to
Diane Davies (see below)
Pre-school (3-5 years) |
Mon - Fri | 9 am - 12 noon |
brizenortonpreschool@hotmail.co.uk | 07769617696 |
Mon, Tues & Wed | 12.00 -
3 pm** |
Brownies | Mondays |
6.00 - 7.30 pm | Barbara Thorne |
842013 |
West Oxfordshire Woodturning Assoc |
1st Tuesday in the month |
David Spittles | 776036 |
Women's Institute | 2nd
Tuesday in the month |
7.30 - 10 pm |
Janet Albury-Simpson
janetalburysimpson@gmail.com |
844222 |
Zumba |
Wednesday | 8.00 - 9.00 pm |
Steph Hill
steph.fitness@hotmail.co.uk |
0797083106161++ |
Dancing Club | Thursdays |
7.30 - 9.30 pm | Joy Douglas |
842373 |
Karate | Fridays |
6.00 - 7.00 pm | Pete Cowling |
07794 363837 |
Judo Club | Saturdays |
9.30 - 11.30 am | Jonathan Gerrans |
01865 884339 |
TW Fitness
HIIT training | Mondays |
7.45 pm | Tom Wattleworth |
07892945006060 |
** Pre school opening hours
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430