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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the March 2015 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
Following our last meeting we have decided to put BNAG into a
'holding pattern' with informal meetings every three months or
at other times if circumstances dictate. BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUB
It has been a tough season and going in to the last 5 or 6 games
both teams are battling to avoid relegation. The 1sts and
Reserves have had some positive results but the lack of regular
players week in week out have not helped either team. Training
is still taking place at the Carterton 3G pitch on a Tuesday
evening between 8-9pm and will continue until the end of March
and then revert back to The Rec. Anyone interested in playing is
welcome to come along. BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOL
The 6 monthly allotment holders meeting will be held on Monday
13 April at 7pm at The Pavilion. The clerk will be available
from 6.30pm to take receipt of rents due. ST BRITIUS CHURCH
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Christmas services
especially the Candlelit Carol Service either as readers or the
children who took part in the nativity tableau. Thank you also
to residents of Honeyham Close, Chestnut Close, Southmere and
Chichester Place who contributed to our collection on our cold
evening of carol singing.
Saturday 7th March we are having a social ‘Spring Lunch’ at The Chequers from 12.30pm. If you would like to join us let James know – you can order and pay for your own lunch from the pub menu at the time. Our Mothering Sunday Service is Sunday 15th March and everyone is welcome. Children are invited to come to 52a Station Road on Saturday 14th March at 3pm to make posies that will then be presented at the 11.00 am Holy Communion Service (no 9.15 am service). Sunday 10th May we have a special 11.00am service for laying up of the 216 squadron standard (again no 9.15am service)
Buggy club will resume on Tuesday 14 April, 9.30am to 11.00am in
the Church each Tuesday morning – an opportunity for toddlers to
play with refreshments served. Be in the know about planning applications near your homeWant to find out when someone puts in for planning near your home? Interested in tracking the progress of planning applications for our village/town?
March 3rd Coach trip to Newbury March 17th Coffee Morning 10.30am At Joy’s, 4 Squire Close Bring and buy – Raffle – ALL WELCOME The future programme will include a party and music at Horace’s, tea by the canal at Thrupp, a coach trip, a meal out – the final programme is being drawn up. Dates will be posted on the noticeboard. |
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The Over 60’s club is a small group, 27 members of mostly
village residents or with village connections. We meet on 1st
and 3rd Tuesdays of each month for either a meeting or outing.
Meetings take place at 4 Squires Close, Brize Norton at 2pm. We
enjoy meeting people and after the talk or demonstration we
enjoy a tea of sandwiches, homemade cakes and a cup of tea.
Thanks to June, Connie and Benita.
If you would like more information please contact Joy on 01993
The Parish Council have been asked to distribute
this information received from Flt Lt Dave Howell of RAF
Brize Norton. |
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Drones / Small Unmanned Aircraft
The continuing increase in the recreational use of small drones
(Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) and Small Unmanned Surveillance
Aircraft (SUSA)), has led to concerns that controlled airspace
infringements will become more frequent and that the risks of
aerial collisions with other manned aircraft will increase. For
flight safety reasons the following basic rules should be
followed and further information for the pilots of SUAs is at
the link CAA Information and guidance on SUA and SUSA
You must request permission from the CAA if you plan to fly the
aircraft on a commercial basis (i.e. conducting ‘aerial work’)
or fly a camera/surveillance fitted aircraft within congested
areas or closer than 50 metres to people or property which are
not under your control
A SUA of more than 7 Kg must not be flown within controlled
airspace or an Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) unless prior
permission has been obtained from the relevant Air Traffic
Control unit.
Operators of any SUA weighing 7 kg or less are strongly advised
for collision avoidance purposes, to remain clear of charted
aerodromes by at least a distance of
5 km, whether or not the aerodrome is in controlled airspace or
has an associated Air Traffic Zone.
The SUA is never to be flown beyond the Visual Line of Sight,
which is termed as being the maximum distance that the pilot is
able to maintain separation and collision avoidance, under the
prevailing atmospheric conditions, with the unaided eye (other
than corrective lenses). For flights within Line of Sight, the
pilot is required to employ the See-and-Avoid principle through
continued observation of the aircraft, and the airspace around
it, with respect to other aircraft and objects. Within the UK,
Visual Line of Sight operations are normally accepted out to a
maximum distance of 500 metres horizontally, and 400 feet
vertically, from the pilot.
Under the Air Navigation Order, operators of an SUA must not
recklessly or negligently cause or permit their aircraft to
endanger any person or property.
Sky Lanterns
Sky lanterns can travel considerable distances and
although the risk is small they still constitute a real
danger to other aircraft. The basic rules are: - If more than 10 are to be released then the Event Organiser (EO) is to contact the CAA 28 days in advance using the form DAP 1918 DAP 1918 - If 10 or less are to be released within 10 nautical miles of an airfield then the EO must contact Air Traffic Control (ATC) at that airfield. (10 nautical miles equates to 11.5 statute miles) - If 10 or less are to be released outside of 10 nautical miles from an airfield then no contact with the CAA or ATC is required. The CAA policy document ‘CAP 736 Operation of Directed Light, Fireworks, Toy Balloons and Sky Lanterns within UK Airspace’ is http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP736.PDF |
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Road Safety
There has been a number of occasions when vehicles have jumped the red light on the traffic lights on Station Road, Brize Norton. These lights are by the threshold of Runway 26 and are designed to protect both aircraft and crossing vehicles, especially when an aircraft is taking off and the jet or propeller wash, with any associated debris, is blowing across the road. You are reminded when using this route to obey the traffic lights.
Streetlife, the local social network, has a simple aim: to help
people make the most of where they live by connecting with their
The website provides a free and easy place to share local news,
views, recommendations and resources, enabling people with busy
routines or reduced mobility to keep in touch with their
Conversations started on Streetlife have helped unite lost pets
with owners, expose doorstep scammers, save threatened public
services and recall local history. The site is also encouraging
real-world friendships, with neighbours sharing gardening
equipment, IT advice and dentist recommendations, organising
craft groups, street parties and book clubs.
Streetlife invites everyone – residents, groups, local
government representatives and businesses – to share their
knowledge, discuss the local issues they care about, and help
build a stronger, better connected community.
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Witney - We meet at Witney’s Windrush Leisure Centre
at 10 am on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is
no charge. We do two walks; one is 1-2 miles long, the
other 2-3 miles both ending up with a cup of coffee. For
more information ring Joy on 01993 842373. Carterton - On Monday, Thursday and Saturday we meet at the Town Hall, Carterton at 10am. The walks are 1–2 miles long. For more information contact Barbara Goudal on 01993 845923 |
Did you know that your village Post Office provides all of the services listed below and lots more?
* Traditional letter and parcel posting including next day deliveries and eBay services.
* Banking – (Cash/Cheque/Bank card deposits and withdrawal) if you bank with the following banks: Bank of Ireland, Barclays, Cahoot,
Clydesdale, Co-op, Lloyds, TSB, Nationwide Building Society, NatWest, Santander, Halifax, RBS and Smile.
* National Savings & Investment including Premium bonds.
* Bill Payment – Most household bills including BT phone bills can be paid free of fees.
* Foreign currency – generally commission free with 3 days’ notice, MoneyGram.
* Travel Insurance – Inland and overseas (provided on the spot).
* Home Phone – Incentive to transfer your current home telephone service.
* Household Home Insurance – Competitive.
* Car Insurance – There is £50 cash back on take up.
* Mobile phone Top-up.
* Health Lottery
* Groceries – limited quantity of snacks and groceries too.
We have an ageing cliental at present and would very much
welcome young parents to use our facilities; at a time when the
post office network is under threat we need your support.
Michael your postmaster attends the Sports Pavilion on Tuesdays
and Thursdays between 9.30am and 12.30pm.
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You are invited to come and join in the Easter fun
with the preschool at their Easter Fayre
Refreshments, Raffle, cake stall and games |
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* Leading researchers talk on the latest developments in cancer, dementia, heart disease and more
* Discover through interactive exhibitions hoe technology is revolutionising healthcare both in the hospital and at home
* Take a tour behind the scenes of Oxford’s hospitals
* Find out how you can get involved in medical research to improve patient care
Everyone is welcome – talks, tours and exhibitions are FREE
For more information on Oxford BRC Open Weeks
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases – Friday 6th March 2015 9.30am
to 3.30pm
Oxford University Museum of Natural History – Meet scientists,
clinicians and research students to learn about the impact
research has on society; Learn about career paths in science
Acute Vascular Imaging Centre (AVIC) – Tuesday 10th March 2015
4pm to 5pm
John Radcliffe Hospital – take a tour behind the scenes of AVIC
with a talk on emerging techniques in diagnosing heart attacks
and strokes
Research into Heart Health – Tuesday 10th March 2015 6pm to 8pm
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre – a series of talks and live
demonstrations on the latest research in heart health
Innovation in Healthcare Research – Wednesday 11th March 2015
12pm to 6pm
Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford – find about the
latest technology in healthcare at this exciting exhibition in
the centre of Oxford
Improving Healthcare Through Research Thursday 12th March 2015
6pm to 8pm
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre – a series of talks on the latest
research in cancer, blood and Genomic Medicine
The Human Brain in Action Monday 16th March 2015 6pm to 8pm
John Radcliffe Hospital – see the human brain in action from the
control room of the ultra-high field MRI scanner at Oxford
University’s Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of
the Brain
Tackling Brain Disease Wednesday 18th March 2015 6pm to 8pm
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford – a series of talks
on the latest research in brain diseases
The BRC brings together the research expertise of the University
of Oxford, the clinical skills of the staff of Oxford University
Hospital NHS Trust and the experiences of patients to improve
Spaces are limited, to book please e-mail
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BRIZE NORTON COMMUNITY WEBSITEThe location of the village website has changed. The community
site can now be found at www.bncommunity.org. Apologies to those
who have been unable to find us at the old address. So if you
are looking for news and information about the church, the
school and the parish please use the new address.
If you identify a pot hole please report it to Oxfordshire County Council Highways either online at Oxfordshire.gov.uk or phone 0845 3101111 or write to Highway Enquiries Team, Oxfordshire County Council, PO Box 842, OXFORD OX1 9LL
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CARTERTON NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAMThe Thames Valley Police Non-Emergency number is 101 but always
call 999 in an Emergency. E-mail the team at
cartertonbamptonburford@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk |
Details of repatriations are usually received on a Monday. Notices will be displayed on the village notice boards at the earliest opportunity. Further details may be found on the Oxfordshire County Council web site. Please note timings are always subject to change.
– please refer to newsletter for further information`
2 March Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm, Sports pavilion
7 March Church spring lunch, The Chequers, 12.30pm
13 March Primary school quiz, 7.30pm, school hall
17 March Coffee morning, 10.30am, 4 Squire’s Close
19 March Pre-school Easter Fayre, 10.30am, Elderbank Hall
13 April Allotment holders meeting, 7 pm, Sports pavilion
13 April Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm, Sports Pavilion
10 May Laying up service of 216 squadron standard, 11.00am, St Britius
11 May Annual & Ordinary Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm, Sports pavilion
19 May Annual village meeting, 7.30pm, Elderbank Hall
1 June Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm Sports Pavilion
14 June NGS Open Gardens
All entries for inclusion in the June 2015 issue should be
received by the clerk by
15 May 2015.
Chairman: Keith Glazier (843640)
Councillors: Stuart Guest, Pip Squire, Selwyn Shorrock, Tony Shillingford, Laurence Taylor
Clerk to the
Council: Carolyn Peach, 52a Station Road, Brize Norton (844102)
email: clerk@brizenortonparishcouncil.co.uk
Parish Representatives:-
Oxford County Council: Neil Owen, 'Robinswood". Frog Lane, Milton-u-Wychwood, OX7 6JZ.
WODC: Alexander Postan, Wheelwright Cottage, Bridge St., Shilton OX18 4AA (842740)
Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Monday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend.
Organisation | Contact | Telephone No. |
The Church | Rev James Maddern | 844175 |
The School | Anna Fairhurst | 842488 |
School Governors | Miranda Mowbray | 842488 |
Football Club | Simon Cook | 841096/07825 002298 |
BN S&SC/Cricket Club | Tim Gush | 846730 |
Elderbank Hall | Diane Davies | 843430 |
Horticultural Show | Judy Gush | 846730 |
Women's Institute | Shelagh Chatterton | 843136 |
Over 60's | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Open Gardens | Jean Butcher | 841347 |
Post 0ffice Sports Pavilion | Tues & Thurs 9:30-12:30 pm | |
Police (Carterton) | Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30 & 13.00-15.30 | 101 |
The following table lists only the regular events. There will be other bookings and readers should not assume that the hall is available without reference to Diane Davies (see below)
Pre-school (3-5 years) | Mon - Fri | 9 am - 12 noon | Claire | 07769617696 |
Mon, Tues & Wed | 12.00 - 3 pm** | |||
Brownies | Mondays | 6 pm - 7.30 pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
Badminton | Mondays | 8.00 - 10.30 pm | Mrs Morrison Mrs Claridge |
843196 842268 |
West Oxfordshire Woodturning Assoc | 1st Tuesday in the month | 8.00-10.00pm | David Spittles | 776036 |
Women's Institute | 2nd Tuesday in the month | 7.30 - 10 pm | Shelagh Chatterton | 843136 |
Rainbows | Wednesday | 3.30 - 4.30pm | Barbara Thorne | 842013 |
20:20:20 Zumba | Wednesday | 8 - 9 pm | Steph Hill | 07970831061 |
Dancing Club | Thursdays | 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm | Joy Douglas | 842373 |
Karate | Fridays | 6 pm - 7.00 pm | Tracy Haley | 700464 |
Judo Club | Saturdays | 9.30 - 11.30 am | Jonathan Germans | 01865 8843399 |
** Pre school opening hours
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430