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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
The Communities of Brize Norton and Carterton |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the March 2010 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT CARTERTON EXPANSIONIt is not often that I give over the whole of the Chairman's report to one subject, however, I feel sure that uppermost in most peoples minds, at this time, is the proposal to build another 1000 houses in the village of Brize Norton. At the very well attended village meeting on the 23 Feb 2010 WODC Planning Officers were given the opportunity to explain the WODC proposals for the future of the area. The proposals and arguments for development were trotted out in the same old manner (Shilton Park 800 homes!) using the same old clichés - blame Central government for setting the target figures, Traffic will use the A40, a new primary school will be built, it will not cause flooding because we have a system. (The clever people who design the systems still don't know water runs downhill), another 700 cars in the peak periods, only 700? Take a trip around Carterton and see the amount of houses being crammed into in-fill sites. I expect the new residents will walk to the shops and cycle to work!
From our village meeting a clear mandate was given to the Parish Council to object to the further coalescence of the village and Carterton "by all possible means". The Parish lobby at all levels, wherever and to whom we think it will be beneficial to the village. Cllr Christine Nays will be the Parish Council's "Press Agent" A news group is being set up to enable information to be distributed quickly by "e" mail. Mr Shane Rae has set up a "Save Brize Norton Village Website. To be found at www.SaveBrizeVillage.co.uk. Also Face Book is active. Link to Face book Group is: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Save-Brize-Norton-Village/361817532673?ref=ts (Ask your children to show you how it works!)
Detailed are some of the major areas of concern:-
This list is by no means exhaustive; each and every parishioner will have subjects that are closest to their hearts. Please make sure your views are represented to WODC Planning Policy Team, OCC Cllr Jim Couchman, and WODC Cllr Verena Hunt. What WE must Do - See the flyer hereThe use of the collective we is intentional, it is hoped that all Parishioners will respond to WODC BY THE DEADLINE OF 22 MARCH 2010 Online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/LDF Email: Planning.policy@westoxon.gov.uk By Post: Planning Policy Team. West Oxfordshire District Council Elmfield Office, New Yatt Road. WITNEY OX28 1PB
ELECTIONElections will be held on the 6th of May 2010 to elect Parish Councillors for the next four year term. Any parishioner who wishes to be considered for the position of Parish Councillor should contact the Parish Clerk for further information by 1st April 2010.
ST BRITIUS CHURCHROOF PROJECTA big thank you to everyone who has donated money and/or joined the Friends of St Britius to support our fund raising to replace the roof of the church. From the initial response to our appeal it is clear that not everyone appreciates the importance of our church within the village community. What would the village be like without the church either as a place to worship, for weddings, baptisms and funeral services, or as an historic building? Do please think about it.. It is never to late to join the Friends, so if you still have your form and gift aid envelope please drop it in the post or at Church Farm House behind the Church or pick up the phone to Phil Holmes (843856), Jacquie Griffin (841616), or Rev James Maddern (844175) and they can collect them and any smartie tubes you have to return. At the time of going to press, the fund raising total stood at £4,828, a good start but we have a long way to go! Please look at the website at www.brizenorton.org.uk/stbritiusroof to see what events are taking place. The second issue of the newsletter will be published in April. SERVICESAll our Christmas services were very well attended. It was good to see so many people making the time to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. Thank you to everyone, especially the children, who read lessons at the Candlelit Carol Service and to the children who took part in the nativity tableau and their parents for dressing them up appropriately. Our Easter services will start on Palm Sunday, 28th March with the 9.15 am Communion Service and continue on:
Please watch the notice board or visit the web site at www.brizenorton.org.uk/community BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOLIt is difficult to believe that we are half way through another school year. This term has been a busy one, although slow to start due to the snow! In January two of our staff, Miss Kerr and Mrs Byng visited our partner school in Sanlucar, Spain to observe teaching and learning and continue our shared project work. This is part of their visit report, We found the differences fascinating. The culture is really quite traditional; everybody seemed to follow the same kind of routine. Everything shuts up from about 2pm, people disappear for their main meal of the day, and then everything springs to life at 5. Dinner at 9pm is considered early, one evening we were treated to Tapas at 10.30, the taverna was full, no wonder a siesta is a necessary part of the day! Visiting the Princess Sofia School was so interesting. There are around 600 pupils, and 39 teachers. The children are 3 when they start school; all children do a full day from 9 until 2, stopping for half an hour at 11.30 for a snack and a play outside. The children carry all of their books in rucksacks, like our children do when they go to secondary school, but the rucksacks have wheels and they trolley them home! Apart from the very young children, all are taught quite formally, even 6 year olds were sat in rows working from text books for most of the day. It made us realise why we teach the way we do, and why those formal methods don't promote independence, the handwriting was impressive though! We observed some music lessons, which also involved dancing. It was nice to see the children released from their desks; we were amazed to see the older boys dancing as well. We were told that singing and dancing is so much a part of the culture that they don't even think about it. We are all really looking forward to the return visit in May; it will be wonderful to be able to reciprocate the hospitality we were shown, and to see everybody again. The Comenius Project is a fantastic initiative for Mr. Smith to involve the school in. Children from each of our partner schools in Spain, France, Germany and Poland will be visiting our school from 17th - 21st May. Our children will soon be planning a week of exciting events for our visitors. This term all our classes have been studying fascinating topics. Our youngest children have been leaning in all subjects through the topic of 'The Lion King'. The children have made puppets, models, musical compositions as well as learning about different countries in Africa. Class 2 have been thinking about 'Transport'. They had an exciting visit to The Steam Museum in Swindon, learning all about Brunel and the GWR. Class 3 have been learning about life in 'India'. They have been thinking about the similarities and differences between the UK and India as well as learning about the differences between urban and rural communities in both countries. The children certainly enjoyed a special 'Bollywood' dance workshop. Class 4 have spent this term learning about 'Nature's Power'. They have looked at how earthquakes and tsunamis occur and have been investigating the impact of climate change. Our School Council continue to be proactive. This term they have worked with their classes to plan class fundraising events to support the Haiti appeal. Events included: a coffee morning, bring and buy sale, cake sale and snack bar. Our healthy schools group held a family breakfast for our school community as part of the Farmhouse Breakfast campaign. On the 10th February we provided breakfast for over 120 people including school families, the Parish Council, Over 60s and WI. This was a great event kindly supported by Foxbury Farm, Brakes, 3663, Fabulous Bakin Boys, Food with Thought and local supermarkets. We also thank Tammy for cooking so many breakfasts for us. This term the School Association has continued to provide events for children and families. Our next village event will be a Quiz Night on 12th March. For more information contact the school on 01993 842488. More information about school events can be found on our website, http://www.bnschool.org. FOXBURY FARMIf you have not ventured up the Burford Road to Foxbury Farm recently you are missing a real treat. Having just been awarded the 2010 Best Local Food Retailer accolade by the Countryside Alliance and the Daily Telegraph you have quality local food at affordable prices on your doorstep. The miss-conception that a Farm Shop is expensive is not the case here. You will find vegetables collected fresh direct from the grower each day, cakes made by local ladies to quality meat produced from animals reared at Foxbury Farm. It is a real treat. This is your, local food shop. Foxbury has a long history of supporting the community it lives in and none more so at this time with our Church needing a new roof. Foxbury has launched a "Bones for Brize campaign" - all money for dog bones and pet mince is being donated towards the church roof funds, so if you want to treat your dog, come to Foxbury and help the church at the same time. Lambing is well underway, and visitors are always welcomed. Why not join us at one of our events they are always a great community occasion, a warm welcome awaits you. Events:-
Foxbury Farm Shop is Open Tuesday 9am to 6pm, Wednesday 9am to 6pm, Thursday 9am to 8pm, Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm FURTHER DETAILS: Telephone the shop, butchery or office on 01993 867385 or email shop@foxburyfarm.co.uk WIDOWS MONEY AND FUEL ALLOTMENT CHARITYJames and I visited nearly 70 residents before Christmas with a small gift from the charity. If you are not on my list and are either a pensioner or widow living in the village, please contact me and you will be included on next year's list. Joy Douglas 842373 BRIZE NORTON OVER 60's CLUBWe had a very good Christmas party - The Eynsham Morris Men entertained us by singing folk songs which we all joined in. We had lovely food and a few glasses of wine. Father Christmas came and gave everyone a present. In the new year, we have had a sing-a-long with Cliff and a very interesting talk, with slides, on Mozambique by James. We also enjoyed a meal at Lynham Golf Club and a wonderful pantomime, Mother Goose at Witney. We look forward to our talk on the Workhouse in Witney. We have a trip to Newbury on March 2nd and a coach holiday to Bournemouth, March 15th - 19th. Our summer events include a visit to Filkins Woolen Mill. Our members memories of Brize Norton, cream tea, meal out and a coach trip. Thank you or our lovely teas, Edna, Carol, Benita and June.
Joy Douglas 842373 BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUBWe meet every Thursday in Elderbank Hall 7.30pm until 9.30pm, only £2 each We also hold Sunday Tea Dances, the next one is on: March 14th, 2.30pm till 4.30pm in Elderbank Hall Admission £2 Ballroom, Latin and Sequence Joy Douglas 842373 WOMEN'S INSTITUTEWell, Christmas has now been and gone, as, we hope, has The Snow. We did in fact hold our meeting on Tuesday January 12th, and thirteen brave souls (half our actual membership) got themselves to the village hall, but our speaker was not able to get through from Wantage so we entertained ourselves with games and gossip. We were delighted that one brave villager who was not a member did make the effort to accept our invitation to meet an antiques expert, but she like the rest of us will have to wait until another meeting to learn about her treasure. And that really is that. Hazel Goldman WITNEY HEALTH WALKS10am on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Free - just meet at the Leisure Centre.
PUBLIC ART IN KILKENNY COUNTRY PARKLocal artist Sophie Thompson has been commissioned to create a unique piece of art for the Kilkenny Country Park. Funded by developer's money from the Shilton Park estate, it is hoped that by this autumn the sculpture of two shire horses will be in place. Sophie works with both reclaimed and new metals and envisages a 'lively feature piece, which acknowledges the influence of horses in the area.' The exact position for the sculpture within the park is yet to be decided. All entries for inclusion in the June issue should be received by the 15th May All entries for inclusion in the December issue should be received by the 15th February BRIZE NORTON PARISH COUNCILChairman: Keith Glazier (843640) Vice-Chairman: Christine NausCouncillors: Erica Conlan, Fred Bellenger, Stuart Guest, Garry Griffin, James Gillies. Clerk to the Council: Jo Webb, 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton (840890)Parish Representatives:- Oxford County Council: Jim Couchman, Dovecot House, Langford (01367 860289). WODC: Verena Hunt, 2 Rocky Banks, Brize Norton (841853) Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Tuesday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend. USEFUL CONTACT NAMES
ELDERBANK HALL ACTIVITIESThe following table lists only the regular events. There will
be other bookings and readers should not assume
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430 The Sports Pavilion is available for Private Hire:- Jo Webb 840890