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Brize Norton Parish Council Newsletter |
The Communities of Brize Norton and Carterton |
You are here: Community > Brize Norton > Parish Council NewsletterPlease note that this might not be the latest issue of the Parish
Newsletter. Here is the text from the December 2009 Newsletter Published here with permission of the Parish Council.
Brize Norton Parish Council would like to wish all parishioners a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. ST BRITIUS CHURCHRoof ProjectCALLING ON ALL BRIZE NORTON VILLAGERS FOR HELP!The roof of our church is in a very bad state. The wooden battens and pegs holding the Stonesfield slates are rotten and the vibration of the traffic on the Carterton Road makes the slates fall and break. We can patch and mend no more! The whole roof must come off and be re-roofed, replacing with existing slates where possible. This mammoth task will cost £113,000! Our vicar, Rev James Maddern, at the reconvened meeting of the Friends of St Britius said that in Mozambique, where he was with his family until recently, there were very few buildings of importance (if any) but returning to the UK made him realise how vital our traditional buildings are to our communities, giving a sense of belonging and of our history. St Britius church is 900 years old, a Grade II* listed building with a stunning Norman "Tree of Life" porch (have you ever looked up and noticed it?) and the important tomb of Sir John Daubigny. We not only need the building for our worship but as the core of our village life for baptisms, weddings and funerals, something to be proud of, giving a sense of our own local history. The Friends of St Britius have taken on the task of raising the money for the roof. We hope to obtain grants from various bodies for up to half the cost, which still leaves us £60,000 to raise. The Friends have lots of fund raising ideas, but once they start to implement them it is up to you, the villagers of Brize Norton to support them in any way you can. Everyone has different talents and abilities which we may be able to use. If you would like to join the Friends, for which there will be an annual subscription of £10 and a quarterly newsletter to keep you informed of events, please ring Phil Holmes on (01993) 843856. If even half the villagers joined that would raise £5,000 to "start the ball rolling". Also be ready with your wallet as the fund raising gets under way! Christmas ServicesOur Christmas Services start on Sunday 20 December with a Candlelit Carol Service at 6pm. The nine lessons will be read by representatives of village organisations and all children are welcome to come dressed as shepherds, angels, wise men, people of Bethlehem, etc, for the nativity tableau. Please contact Carolyn Peach on 844102 for more details of the nativity tableau. Coffee and hot mince pies will be served after the service. Candlelit Midnight Mass will be at 11.30pm on Xmas Eve (Thursday 24 December) and there will be a combined Family Service and Holy Communion at 9.15am on Xmas Day. James asks the children to bring a present that they have received with them to show! The Sunday Club will hold their Christmas Party on Saturday 10 January in the Elderbank Hall, from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. Our Christingle Service will be held on Sunday 7 February at 9.15 am as part of the Family Service. We hope to decorate the oranges at Church Farm House after School on the Friday afternoon before. James, Bill, Richard, the Churchwardens and members of the DCC wish everyone a very happy and peaceful Christmas. WIDOWS MONEY AND FUEL ALLOTMENT CHARITYWe have a small charity in the village which allows us to give a small
gift at Christmas time to pensioners, widows and anyone in great need
who live in the village. I shall soon be bringing the gifts round so if
you qualify, and are not on my list (you haven't received a gift before)
please let me know by December 10th. If you don't tell me then I don't
know. BRIZE NORTON PRIMARY SCHOOLWe are now preparing for the festive season in school. Classes are
busy practising their Christmas plays. This year our younger children
are celebrating the Nativity Story while our older classes perform Jack
and the Beanstalk.
Do continue to visit our school website. All our latest information can
be found at http://www.bnschool.org BRIZE NORTON VILLAGE PRE-SCHOOLPlease join Brize Norton Village Pre School on Tuesday 15th December
at 12.00pm for the annual Christmas Fayre fundraiser. The children will
be performing a Christmas musical, and there will be the usual
refreshments, cake stall, raffle, Tombola and other fun things to do.
All monies raised will go to supporting the pre-school and your support
is very much appreciated. If you have any cakes, raffle or tombola prizes
to donate please either bring them on the day or contact Kat the
pre-school manager on 07769 617696. BRIZE NORTON OVER 60’s CLUBWe continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the month 2.30pm
to 4.30pm at 4 Squires Close. We have an outing and a meeting each
month. We have recently enjoyed a talk on Lundy Island by Bill and on
health and well being by Shirley Wong. Joy Douglas BRIZE NORTON DANCE CLUBWe continue to dance on Thursday evenings but the time has changed,
it is now 7.30pm to 9.30pm. We do ballroom, latin and sequence. WOMEN'S INSTITUTEThe WI quickly got into its stride again after its supper outing to
Friars Court in August. September found us slightly at odds with a
visiting magistrate and a member of the probation service, about the
efficacy of Community Service. This led to a lively debate, while in
October our subject was the history of food from the Stone Age onwards.
Moira Byast illustrated this with relishes and sauces which she had made
herself and which we were able to taste before our own 20th Century tea
and biscuits. For November's talk we travelled down to Australia where
our speaker, Jill Bailey, helped in a study of multi coloured toads and
sundry insects.
WHAT IS A PARISH COUNCIL AND WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU?A parish council is the first tier of local government and the closest to the community it serves. Its councillors are elected for four years at a time and an election is only held if there are more people wanting to be parish councillors than there are vacancies available. Vacancies occurring between elections are filled by bye-election or by co-option. There is a paid parish clerk, who is the Proper Officer and the Responsible Financial Officer of the council. We hold an annual meeting in the Elderbank Hall and monthly meetings in the Pavilion, and members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings. What does a parish council do?Parish councils have a number of formal duties - things they must do, and a range of powers - things they can chose to do. Our Parish Council receives a very small part of the local Council Tax, about £50 per house per year on average. The range of services provided by our parish council includes providing allotments, looking after our recreational ground, our play park and the communal areas in the village. We maintain and look after: bus shelters, public seats, and oversee the running of our village Elderbank Hall and our Pavilion. Furthermore we employ a village handyman to help to keep the village tidy, but his task at times can be great if people do not do their part. We have the power to improve the quality of community life by spending money on things which are in the interests of the parish or its inhabitants, for example providing you with this news letter 4 times a year. Parish councils are also the focal point for local consultation on matters such as planning applications, borough council strategic planning, schools and roads. On all these issues the parish councillors represent the parish's views to other authorities such as district and county councils. An example is the new expansion proposed for Carterton which will have a major effect on our village. Furthermore, we own quite a large amount of land in the village, for example our recreational ground and the play park, which we have a responsibility to maintain. We have a large and effective grass cutting contract that we let on your behalf, and indeed this is where a lot of our income is spent. The War memorial is also our responsibility and we maintain it in remembrance of the brave servicemen that lost their lives. We endeavour to promote and to achieve a tidy and agreeable environment for us all, of which we can be proud.
All entries for inclusion in the December issue should be received by the 15th February BRIZE NORTON PARISH COUNCILChairman: Keith Glazier (843640) Vice-Chairman: Christine NausCouncillors: Erica Conlan, Fred Bellenger, Stuart Guest, Garry Griffin Clerk to the Council: Jo Webb, 18 Chichester Place, Brize Norton (840890)Parish Representatives:- Oxford County Council: Jim Couchman, Dovecot House, Langford (01367 860289). WODC: Verena Hunt, 2 Rocky Banks, Brize Norton (841853) Meetings held in the Pavilion, first Tuesday every month at 7.30 pm, all welcome to attend. USEFUL CONTACT NAMES
ELDERBANK HALL ACTIVITIESThe following table lists only the regular events. There will
be other bookings and readers should not assume
The Hall is available for Private Hire Contact:- Diane Davies on 843430 The Sports Pavilion is available for Private Hire:- Jo Webb 840890